8e Worshop thématique FAERE 30/11 & 1/12/2017

Présentation du workshop :

The 8th FAERE thematic worshop, whose topic is "Environment & Health: An Economic Perspective”, will be held in Paris (ENS Cachan) on November 30th and December 1st.

It is jointly organized by MSH Paris-Saclay, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Université d’Evry and INRA Paris-Grignon.

The goal of this workshop is to exchange fresh and interdisciplinary perspectives on the intricate links between Environment, Health and Welfare. Through a number of selected presentations and keynote speeches from various disciplinary approaches we hope to create a stimulating setting for scientific discussions within and beyond the field of environmental economics.

The sessions will include both theoretical and empirical papers and can focus on topics such as, but not limited to, economic evaluation of health/environmental impacts, epidemics management, growth and health, environmental justice, ecological inequalities, nutrition and vulnerability, natural and human capital…

Propositions from non-economics approaches will also be taken into consideration.


Traveling and accommodation expenses can be financed for presenting authors. There are no registration fees for the others (non-presenting participants).

A conference dinner will give all the participants an opportunity to carry on their exchanges in a convivial environment.

All contributions (article or extended abstract) must be sent before October 29th.


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